This web site is operated by A & A Power Tool Repair Inc.
Our physical address is:
A & A Power Tool Repair Inc
36 Secord Drive,
St. Catharines, Ontario,
L2N 1K8
We can be reached via e-mail at or you can reach us by telephone at 905-646-4881
- For each visitor to our Web page, our Web server automatically recognizes only the consumer's ip address. E-mail address are only recognized if you register and login.
- We collect information of visitors to our Web page, user-specific information on what pages consumers access or visit and geo-location of the user.
- The information we collect is used for internal review to improve the website.
- With respect to cookies: We use cookies to record session information, such as items that consumers add to their shopping cart as well as last login email address.
- If you supply us with your postal address on-line you will only receive the information for which you provided us your address.
- If you supply us with your email we may use it to send you information about products you may be interested in. We will always give you the option to unsubscribe to our emails.
- Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers on-line will only receive telephone contact from us with the information regarding orders they have placed on-line.
- Upon request we offer visitors no ability to have factual inaccuracies corrected in information that we maintain about them.
- With respect to security: We always use industry-standard encryption technologies when transferring and receiving consumer data exchanged with our site as described above in "Security Section".
- If you feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, you may contact us at the above addresses or phone number, state or local chapters of the Better Business Bureau.
Security and satisfaction is our main goal. All information provided by you is confidential and will not be released to any third parties. To insure confidentiality, we use the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol for transferring data. SSL is a cryptosystem that creates a secure environment for the information being transferred between your browser and our Server.
Friendly Explanation
HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. Standard protocol for transmitting Web pages on the Internet. HTTPS - HTTP Over SSL (Secure Socket Layer). Protocol enabling the secured transmission of Web pages. If you are filling out personal information on a website like your address or credit card information make sure the address bar where the website is starts with HTTPS. HTTPS ensures that the website has SSL service which avoids hackers from stealing any data transmitted. SSL makes a clear hacker-free channel for your data to go directly to the credit card company without being interfered by anyone. SSL covers any credit card frauds with $100,000 reimbursement in damages if anything ever occurs.
Auto Accessory Store checkout process has SSL service. You may check by looking over at your address bar and seeing it will say HTTPS on all the screens where you fill out personal information. Our website is secure and we ensure customer security to its full effect. Please feel safe to shop on our website as we take numerous security actions to make sure your data is 100% secure. SSL uses public key cryptography to secure transmissions over the Internet. Your browser will send a message via SSL to the server. responds by sending a certificate, then generates a random session key which is used to encrypt data traveling between your browser and the our server. This session key is encrypted using the public key and sent it back to the server. decrypts this message using its private key, and then uses the session key for the remainder of the communication. By using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) we can protect data in the following ways:
Authentication - This ensures that you are communicating with the correct server, and prevents another computer from presenting itself as
Data Integrity - This process verifies that the information sent by you to our server was not altered during the transfer. The system will detect if data was added or deleted after you sent the message. If any tampering has occurred, the connection will be dropped.
Encryption - This is the process of transferring data into coded language. All information sent via the Internet to us using Encryption becomes a string of unrecognizable numbers before entering the Internet. Both's server and the browser you use, understands the mathematical formulas, called algorithms that turn your session into numeric code, and back again to meaningful information. When you begin a session, your computer and our system agree on a random number that serves as the key for the rest of the transaction. What that random number could be depends largely upon the strength of encryption that your browser utilizes. uses 128-bit and 256-bit encryption, 128-bit encryption indicates that there are 288 possible keys that could fit into the lock that holds your account information. That means there are many billions (a 3 followed by 26 zeroes) of possible keys.
Our physical address is:
A & A Power Tool Repair Inc
36 Secord Drive,
St. Catharines, Ontario,
L2N 1K8
We can be reached via e-mail at or you can reach us by telephone at 905-646-4881
- For each visitor to our Web page, our Web server automatically recognizes only the consumer's ip address. E-mail address are only recognized if you register and login.
- We collect information of visitors to our Web page, user-specific information on what pages consumers access or visit and geo-location of the user.
- The information we collect is used for internal review to improve the website.
- With respect to cookies: We use cookies to record session information, such as items that consumers add to their shopping cart as well as last login email address.
- If you supply us with your postal address on-line you will only receive the information for which you provided us your address.
- If you supply us with your email we may use it to send you information about products you may be interested in. We will always give you the option to unsubscribe to our emails.
- Persons who supply us with their telephone numbers on-line will only receive telephone contact from us with the information regarding orders they have placed on-line.
- Upon request we offer visitors no ability to have factual inaccuracies corrected in information that we maintain about them.
- With respect to security: We always use industry-standard encryption technologies when transferring and receiving consumer data exchanged with our site as described above in "Security Section".
- If you feel that this site is not following its stated information policy, you may contact us at the above addresses or phone number, state or local chapters of the Better Business Bureau.
Security and satisfaction is our main goal. All information provided by you is confidential and will not be released to any third parties. To insure confidentiality, we use the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol for transferring data. SSL is a cryptosystem that creates a secure environment for the information being transferred between your browser and our Server.
Friendly Explanation
HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. Standard protocol for transmitting Web pages on the Internet. HTTPS - HTTP Over SSL (Secure Socket Layer). Protocol enabling the secured transmission of Web pages. If you are filling out personal information on a website like your address or credit card information make sure the address bar where the website is starts with HTTPS. HTTPS ensures that the website has SSL service which avoids hackers from stealing any data transmitted. SSL makes a clear hacker-free channel for your data to go directly to the credit card company without being interfered by anyone. SSL covers any credit card frauds with $100,000 reimbursement in damages if anything ever occurs.
Auto Accessory Store checkout process has SSL service. You may check by looking over at your address bar and seeing it will say HTTPS on all the screens where you fill out personal information. Our website is secure and we ensure customer security to its full effect. Please feel safe to shop on our website as we take numerous security actions to make sure your data is 100% secure. SSL uses public key cryptography to secure transmissions over the Internet. Your browser will send a message via SSL to the server. responds by sending a certificate, then generates a random session key which is used to encrypt data traveling between your browser and the our server. This session key is encrypted using the public key and sent it back to the server. decrypts this message using its private key, and then uses the session key for the remainder of the communication. By using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) we can protect data in the following ways:
Authentication - This ensures that you are communicating with the correct server, and prevents another computer from presenting itself as
Data Integrity - This process verifies that the information sent by you to our server was not altered during the transfer. The system will detect if data was added or deleted after you sent the message. If any tampering has occurred, the connection will be dropped.
Encryption - This is the process of transferring data into coded language. All information sent via the Internet to us using Encryption becomes a string of unrecognizable numbers before entering the Internet. Both's server and the browser you use, understands the mathematical formulas, called algorithms that turn your session into numeric code, and back again to meaningful information. When you begin a session, your computer and our system agree on a random number that serves as the key for the rest of the transaction. What that random number could be depends largely upon the strength of encryption that your browser utilizes. uses 128-bit and 256-bit encryption, 128-bit encryption indicates that there are 288 possible keys that could fit into the lock that holds your account information. That means there are many billions (a 3 followed by 26 zeroes) of possible keys.